Magical coffee moment…..

Magic is around us at all times, and there are even moments when we can set that magic into motion for ourselves and loved one’s, we just need to believe in everything we do, and that of course includes ourselves, we can reach anything we set our minds to, there is nothing impossible for you or anyone else, just have the faith in yourself to continue on your magical journey……..Happy Sunday

Brooke, Universal Life & Relationship Coach

In love with life….

First Saturday of the New Year, so fill this day and every following day with lots of love and full of heart, we have a great life, we have food shelter clothing and education, the list in fact is never ending, so don’t let’s spend this year complaining of what we don’t have, this will only create more lack in our life, feel the love for everything we have, create more of what you want by focusing on those things and feeling grateful, believe in yourself and the best version of yourself you can be and are ……

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach

Till next year!

So, today is the final day of Christmas here in Spain, after the visit of the The Three Kings Of The Orient last night, today is the Spanish Christmas Day, families gather and eat together and celebrate the gifts that the kings brought for them, although what we know as a traditional Christmas has gained more popularity over the years and Santa Claus has gained his place, the Kings is still and will always be a great tradition in Spain, so we are lucky as we seem to now have two Christmas celebrations, with the weekend ahead things will be back to normal as from Monday, including school for the children…….I’m sure many mothers are happy to hear that, it’s a hectic holiday time with all the preparations Christmas entails, so to all you mothers out there, try to get a little time for yourself and indulge in spoiling yourself a little, I am sure you all deserve it………

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach

Weekend reflection…

You have the first weekend of the New Year to work on yourself, self care, healing letting go whatever area you wish to concentrte on, if you have had a busy week take some time to breath in deep and relax and at your leisure make your new intentions with thought and loving moments, just make sure you make them and have every intention to stick to them!! This is your year

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach


You have to see the splendor of this, if you find the video long, don’t miss the Kings !! 

I hope you enjoy, this is the final Christmas celebration, tomorrow is Fiesta (Kings Day)…………………………….

Relationships ººº

Relationships can be the band aid or the wound when we have suffered some kind of trauma in our life, its a little like how we express our journey to the world.

We are tried and tested on a daily basis on how we handle maybe several distinct types of relationships, how we function and see them for what they are, at times we choose these relationships and at times we don’t. The one choice you should never lose track of is your own behaviour, our codependency, our goal our challenge is to behave in the way that demonstrates the responsibility you feel for yourself.

We are on a constant learning curve to acknowledge our own power to take of ourselves within our relationships. We need to learn about and how to be intimate with another, we face many challenges do we need to back away from someone we have tried to control, do you need to talk to someone even though you know it is not going to make you feel good, but you need to say it, do you avoid people because you fear how you are are going to care for yourself. Do you feel the need to make amend with someone that we know we handled the situation wrongly and need to reach out to them or show love.

When we are healing it is not always done around relationships, it is also vital to learn about our own power in taking care of ourselves in our relationships and daily life

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach

Home sweet home….

Your home is your castle, your refuge, it is where you feel comfortable and safe, stepping out into the world can be a big thing, but knowing we can return to the feeling of security, cosiness and your surrounding that are so familar to you, it’s your personal comfort zone….. to leave that zone is fine, in fact you need to, to spread your wings and find your dreams, but going home is always so very special……

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach


Make caring for yourself a priority……

This has to be an important part of your New Year habits , it is fundamental and many people do still not realise the importance of self care and self love, so what exactly do you neeed to do to take care of yourself, it’s time to listen to your little inner voice,(your intuition) and to take note of what it is telling you, it is important to stop and listen, don’t just shrug it of as a silly inner sensation, what makes us angry, what is it that we just can’t take anymore of? what do you trust, what don’t you trust? at times things just don’t feel right and we let it o instead of reacting in the way we should, certain things will make us comfortable or uncomfortable, what do you want? or what don’t you want, what do you like, what makes you feel good ? the more we prepare ourselves in self care, the better we recieve ourselves and the world, loving ourselves is the first step to having a well balanced whole some life, it will always lead you in the right direction, it is a positive action in your life, learn to listen to your inner voice, we can always trust ourselves, we are more intelligent than we give ourselves credit for, we know what is best for ourselves and should listen to oursleves more than we do.

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach

Be aware

Never let a day escape you without taking all the positivity you can, you can learn something new and exciting each day, and knowledge will always take you to power….

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach

You put the boundaries……

One of the most important facors for all of us to reach a successful recovery in any area of our life is the boundaries we set for ourselves and for others to follow, and within our New Year intentions are boundaries should also be seriously considered, they will help with our self-esteem and how we handle our feelings and how we cope and learn with loving ourselves and how we value who we are.

Boundaries are deep within us, they are connected to so many things, when we let go of guilt and shame and when we change our beliefs rearding wha we truly deserve. As we find clarity the same will come about with out boundaries.

You will notice that you will only set your boundaries when you are ready, and this goes for those around you also.

It is an exiting moment when we reach the point of knowing what we want to say and do, and you will notice that others will also start to take you seriously , everything changes, not because we hold power of others, but the fact that we have changed.

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach


You probably can’t wait to start your day, full of new intentions, habits and even the way you feel, knowing each step you take is taking you nearer to what you really want in life, know this, hold that clarity close to you and keep moving forward, one day, one step at a time, and remember we all need to walk before we can run ……. stay for the long haul it’s so worth it, you don’t need to cut any corners, just enjoy every moment.

Brooke Universal Life & Relationship Coach


No better time than now!

The start of a New Year is always a good time to set your new goals and dreams, but you really need to think about this and dig deep within yourself, for only you have the key to your future happiness, we know our likes and dislikes and we know what we want, even if it is difficult for us to face up to exactly that! this is really going to help you to be able to do your part, it can be difficult at times if you are considering other people all the time and not so much yourself, there is a time in your life that you have to give yourself priority if you really wish to create and achieve the life you have always wanted, that does not mean you cannot include other people in your dream it simply means that you cannot not allow another person to stop your dreams and goals, our goals and dreams are what allows us guidance from the universe and also gives us our own direction in life.

So, if you have it clear as to what you wish to move towards this year, you will also know what you need to remove, what blocks you and what you need to let go, do you have your goals defined and know what you wish to attract, this can be your in your home life, your career your friendships and your love life,