making the most of everyday

So, are we going to make the most of each day, let’s give it  a try

Sleep enough  –  There is nothing worse than starting your day already tired, you need to sleep at least 7 hours, to feel full of life, and to take on your day as you would want to.

Grateful  –  When we give thanks we also relieve stress, it helps us to see positivity and for us to value what we have in our life.

Exercise  –  We should try everyday to exercise, a 20 minute brisk walk is sufficient to keep us healthy.

secret to being happy

Positive talk  –  Don’t criticize or complain about everything, don’t use bad language, don’t let negativity into your conversation.

Enjoy the Sun  –  Take in that vitamin D necessary for sereton and endorphins, helps to lower blood pressure and helps bones to be strong.(don’t forget sun protection)

Pet time  –  People with dogs and cats, tend to be happier, stroking and playing with your pet is calming and will also bring a smile to most.

keep smiling

Know success  –  Enjoy your life, when goals are met, setting small weekly goals will help you feel better, but do not become obsessed.

Meditate  –  15 minutes a day would be perfect, find a nice quiet place, close your eyes and start, after a week you will feel the benefits and less stress. 

Flow  –  Keep in the flow, even when you have a bad day, avoid conflict, talk it through to resolve, don’t let negativity inside of you.

Priority  –  This is not about feeding your ego, it is necessary, you need your space, find it , this will influence how you feel with yourself and with others.

images (4) flowers

Have a great, healthy, stress free day !!!

Brooke Universal Life Coach




7 Comments on “HAPPINESS SECRETS !!

  1. I wish I could do these things today. It just seems to make me even more depressed, trying so hard to be positive, and then failing at even that.


    • Hi, dont overthink, just take your day as it flows, there is alot of good out there for you also, get some fresh air and enjoy that, little steps into this day, its great for all of us to enjoy, take care

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