Everyone knows how quickly our life goes by, but are we truly conscious of the gift of life, what that gift allows us to do,to be,to create. We are a gift, a very special gift to everyone who shares our life, we are first the greatest gift to our parents, this is a gift that can never be replaced,unique in every way,shape,size,colour,they are also the first gift that we recieve, this is where we accquire are first formation as little people,our character starts to build,and we reach our first ideas on the world in which we live.

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This is also the main source of our beliefs,which sometimes are perfect and serve us all  through our life, and someimes are not, and need to be worked on in later years, this is where it is important to allow children to be open to all views,and that change is not a bad thing,change should always be embraced,change is an opportunity.During our learning years, we share our gift even more, we now venture outside of the family circle, and show our natural gifts and talents, as young people we share the gift of being young,hungry to learn,full of fresh ideas,we are full of energy and share that energy wherever we go this to many is a like a breath of fresh air,your gifts to life are uncountable, as we leave our educational years, and go out into the big world, this is where we can truly shine spreading our gift of being us,we start to relate to many types of different people and maybe it is the period where we start our first adult relationship outside our family circle, we interact in a close loving relationship where you share your gift of life even more in many special ways,in this period you also start to create,you look for your passions,to discover who you really are, as you express yourself you are giving a gift to all the people who are around you, in most cases we do not realise these moments and how special we really are, we are so involved in our everyday life,ups downs problems that come and go, but even these moments and changing us constantly all form part of our life,

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This is what helps us grow, and learn, we never stop learning, however do we really take enough time to learn about ourselves, all that we offer during our life time, each period has its special moments, when we offer the best of ourselves to the world, this is your gift, that you willingly share with everyone. Have you ever thought of yourself in this way, this is how you should value yourself, not if you are better,more intelligent,more attractive, than the next person, they have there gifts,and you have yours, unique gifts that only you possess,so the next time you are not feeling so good about yourself,stop,and think of all the wonderful things only you can do…………………..nobody loves like you,nobody can wipe away tears like you , nobody can care like you, thats why you are you and nobody can be you, nobody can take your place……………………………………………………Always be you 

Brooke Universal Life Coach




7 Comments on “THE GIFT OF LIFE………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Perfect timing here. Life has put me on the spot. I’m am asked to fufill my wedding vow duties before the wedding day itself. Can I back up my words with the walk? Great post xx


  2. Buddy! You are that kind of a guy whose thinking has been blessed truly, a gift from God to us all. There are many quotes a bout self love, care etc but the way you elaborated it here… is really amazing. You guided us inch by inch towards a broadening explanation open to new thoughts and views from a different perspective. Stay Blessed! – Cezane


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