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GIFTED – How do we consider a gifted person or child ? Well, for sure we all feel that we have gifted children, because they are all special,and they all have their little gifts, however they are gifted because they are unique, the same as ourselves, we may not be Einstein which most people will consider gifted, but we all have a hidden gift, some of us open our gift, and others take a little longer, and well, sadly some of us never even open the gift. So why is that ? I call this the people that fall into the conform section, they just go with the flow regardless, or let others decide what and how they should do in their own life. They forget about the word “choice” and are happy to do so. They are just comfortable where they are, they are well within their comfort zone. And they are happy to be just there where they are. There are many talented people who have not fulfilled their dreams, because they over think every move they make, or they are too cautious, and are unwilling to make the leap of faith. So yes they are gifted, but lack in the confidence department.So being gifted is not enough it is the whole package that is important. Gifted people can be very sensitive beings, they also like to be alone at times, this does not mean that they are lonely.There own space and quiet is important to them.

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Everyone is unique and therefore a genius in their own right, so now think of yourself ? providing you don’t fit into any catergory explained above, what is your gift, and are you using it with passion and as your purpose, there are many gifts and they can all be used to create your perfect life, whatever your gift is, you may well be an expert or could be within that field. If you are already using your personal gift, you are probaly a very positive and happy person. If you are not using it, but would like to, you need to think how you can slowly incorporate it into your life and truly be the person you want to be. Whatever your gift is, there is a niche in this world for you, you need to be confident enough to stake your claim and take that leap of faith.From little acorns………………….grow enormous trees!! There is no rush, you have always had this gift, and it is not going anywhere with out you…….. where you are today, your age, status what ever the excuse you try to find, is unimportant, use your gift, you are not responsible for your gift, only for what you do with it.

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Share your gift with yourself and with the world. 








11 Comments on “A – Z CHALLENGE………….

  1. This is such an awesome post – so related to the multiple intelligence theory that teachers should apply.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What an amazing post, highlighting the special gifts and talents that we all possess. It’s all about finding them and using them.


  3. I love this post. I’ve been thinking along this idea a lot because my two kiddos are so different. They are going to need different things from me to encourage their different talents and interests.


  4. Pingback: Product Review & Recommendation: Clarins Moisture Replenishing Lipbalm – lifexperimentblog

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