This quote is really worth reading more than once, and to think about it in depth, do you have barriers, do most of us have barriers in some form or another, for different reasons and how we interpret situations within our own lives. We need to remove these barriers , to break them down, understand them and discard them from your mind and life, if you don’t do this, it is additional baggage you are going to take with you through life, and it will get heavier and heavier as you go, it is also unfair to you and the people you share your life with, as they in a way pay a price for these barriers, it is as if you form a barrier for them between you and them, that original barrier will always hold part of you back, it is a part you will be unable to give to others, and a part not only they are missing out on, you also miss it, this means that in the end although you may feel good and happy, you are not living to your full capacity, you will fail to be 100% content or free, and this can be felt and seen, clear your barriers and start to really have the emotional life you deserve, love is a wonderful thing and can be enjoyed, no matter what you may think, everyone is different and everyone deserves a chance, and that includes you ❤


Universal Life Coach


1 Comment on “SEEK WITHIN ……………………………………………

  1. No barriers here. I’m not fond of them. They do not serve me. Love does. Love is all there is! Believing this making it so worth feeling, extending, and cultivating more. Love is a powerful force. Red is my favorite color.

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