A common problem I find with many of my clients, is that they find great difficulty in answering the number 1 question, What do you want ? a good job, nice life and great wage is not the correct answer, it is what you want, but this explanation is not enough, it is not going to get your vibrations up, you are not going to get any passion from the statement, and of course, there are many good jobs, great wages and a nice life style, you have to know exactly what you want to attract it to you, so I have a way round this, I very often ask, Could you design your own Utopia, that perfect place where you would want to create your perfect life.

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Give it a try, even write it down, you can go over it a few times maybe making little changes here and there, don’t forget that in your utopia you will have everything you want and need, imagine your perfect partner, how do they look, what values do they have, note how they match yours, don’t leave any meaning or significance of your utopia

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When you travel through your imagination to your utopia land, you are creating your own life and where you wish to work and live, who would you build your utopia with ? what world would you choose for you and your family ? What would you be doing ? and how ? What would your days be made up of, where would your ideal vacation be and with who ? what car would you drive and what special gifts would you treat yourself to, how would your life change ?

You see, if you can relate to this post, then you can dig deep inside and really find what you want, in the detail that you need, enough for you to put it all together, think about it, the more the better and visualise the life you truly would love to live. Visit your Utopia land  whenever you wish……………………….

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Brooke Universal Life Coach 




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