
The MakeItUltraBlog, have introduced this wonderful award into the bloggersphere, and I feel very honoured to have received this by The Floating Speck, I’m sure you know of this blog, but if you don’t, go and visit as soon as possible, it is a beautiful interesting blog,with spectacular photograpy which I am sure you will enjoy. This award is given for quality content originality and presentation. 

The intention of this award is to encourage connectivity and support in the blogging community and to increase exposure for individual bloggers. 

I would like to nominate the following bloggers:-

Daisy –

Amanda –

Ioana –

Alexis Rose 



The rules, acknowledge your nominator and brief description of there blog, explain why the award is given (text above) and name your nominees.

MakeItUltra Award

27 Comments on “AWARD- 2 …………………………………….

  1. Thank you so much for acknowledging my little blog. I appreciate you, your blog and your nomination and I happily accept! 😃


  2. Thanks a bunch,friend!This means a lot to me although I would like to mention the url of my site has aspelling error which I am sure was a genuine mistake.Please check that and once again I am honoured by your kind words for me and considering me any good.Thankyou.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank You, WOW, I’m in some fabulous company of bloggers. This means a great deal to me. I’m thrilled that you thought of me. I love your blog, I look forward to reading your posts, and I’m extremely grateful we’ve connected! Have a wonderful day. 🙂 Alexis


  4. Pingback: I Believe!​ | Daisy in the Willows

    • Finally been able to see your award post, loved it, and how about the telepathy part (I have just this sec read it) incredible we choose the same word loved the song and the whole post….. Thank you xx


  5. Pingback: I Believe!​ – Daisy in the willows

    • Feeling very honoured, thank you for thinking of me for this award, so happy to hear you enjoy the blog, hope things are going well for you and lets hope we get through this chapter in our life, sooner than later ……..lots of love take care


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